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We are in the WINTER BREAK!

We will be open again from April 1st!
Info: 069981813039

Raiffeisen Wien - Meine Stadtbank

Parcours overview

79 platforms at an altitude up to 8m, 10 parkours over a length of 1500 m und 26 flying fox facilities - Climbing fun for young & old under current safety standards.

1. - 3. Yellow Parcour

Each visitor has to do at least one of the three yellow parcours in order to get used to the safety system. Thee parcours are not very high but the different elements are not to be underestimated.

Duration: approx. 30 min

  • a size of at least 110cm is required
  • 16 platforms at an altitude up to 2,5m, 17 elements, 5 mini flying fox
  • there is no age limit, however children have to be accompanied by an adult until the age of 8 years

4. Light Blue Parcour

This parcour is not that difficult yet but you are getting higher already. You are climbing at a height of 3 to 4m, slowly rising.

Duration: approx. 20 min

  • a size of at least 130cm is required
  • 8 platforms at an altitude up to 4m, 9 elements, 2 flying fox
  • there is no age limit, however children have to be accompanied by an adult until the age of 10 years



4.A Orange Parcour

The small Flying- Fox round


This is the light version of the red parcour, physically not too difficult, but with various elements – the ultimate fun for all that didn’t only come for climbing.

Duration: approx. 20 min

●      Required is a body height of 130cm●      7 platforms up to 4m high, 3 elements, 6 Flying-Fox●      There is no age-limit, but children up to 10 years need to be accompanied by an adult.

The small Flying-Fox round

This is the light version of the red parcour, physically not too difficult, but with various elements – the ultimate fun for the ones who didn’t only come for climbing.

Duration: approx. 20 min

  • a size of at least 130cm is required
  • 7 platforms at an altitude up to 4m, 3 elements, 6 flying fox
  • there is no age limit, however children have to be accompanied by an adult until the age of 10 years

5. - 6. Blue Parcour

The middle parcour

Now it’s getting high up in the trees at an altitude of 7m. The height and the increasing gaps between the elements can already be challenging for some people.

Duration: approx. 30 min

  • a size of at least 130cm is required
  • 16 platforms at an altitude up to 7m, 13 elements, 4 flying fox
  • there is no age limit, however children have to be accompanied by an adult until the age of 10 years



7. Red Parcour

The big Flying-Fox Round

The ultra-long flying fox with various elements is the ultimate fun for the ones who didn’t only come for climbing! Only with the approval of a guide.

Duration: approx. 30 min

  • a size of at least 130cm is required
  • 12 platforms at an altitude up to 8m, 1 element, 8 flying fox, 1 topas
  • age limit: 10 years +



8. The Grey Parcour

Strength and endurance are needed


Next level after the blue parcours. Additional strength, endurance and dynamical moving are needed: Easy swinging or a lot of strength are necessary to move forward. Only with the approval of a guide.

Duration: approx. 20 min

  • a size of at least 130cm is required
  • 7 platforms at an altitude up to 8m, 8 elements, 2 flying fox
  • there is no age limit, however children have to be accompanied by an adult until the age of 10 years




9. The Black Parcour

The Power Parcour

Our most difficult and challenging parcour. Many elements can only be done with the correct technique. Strength, courage and endurance are demanded. Only with the approval of a guide. Most visitors try this one after their second or third visit.

Duration: approx. 40 min

  • a size of at least 130cm is required
  • 7 platforms at an altitude up to 8m, 8 elements, 2 flying fox
  • age limit: 10 years +



Every parcour ends with a flying fox: you fly quite fast from the last platform above the ground into a net over lengths up to 66m.

The only exceptions are the two FLYING FOX PARCOURS which end with a real surprise!



Giant Swing

Our most difficult and challenging parcour. It is one of the trendiest adrenaline sports worldwide: You jump from a special platform at an altitude of 8m. The inexplicable feeling of the free fall ends in a giant swing where you swing back and forth in the air before coming to an end.

Watch out: adrenaline kick and pure thrill - risk of addiction!

  • no minimum size required
  • age limit: 14 years +
  • EUR 5,- while visiting the climbing park
  • EUR 7,- without visiting the climbing park



Slackline Parcours

Balance halten auf der Slackline


First test your balance on the ground before trying out one of our 6 slacklines. Our slacklines are 20cm to 100cm high and up to 15m long.

  • no minimum size required
  • 2 boulder walls of 3m height
  • no age limit
  • free while visiting the climbing park
  • EUR 3,- without visiting the climbing park


Perfect warm-up

Before having fun high up in the trees, warm up at our boulder walls. The goal is to climb from one end to the other without touching the ground.

  • no minimum size required
  • 2 boulder walls of 3m height
  • no age limit
  • free while visiting the climbing park
  • EUR 3,- without visiting the climbing park


Boulderwände im Gänsehäufelbad

The mobile climbing garden

If you can’t visit us, we’ll visit you - our mobile climbing park can come to your place!

We have a modular system with which we can build a climbing park in relatively short time and pursue it. Whether inside or outside, independently of ground or location, our mobile climbing park is always ready to be set up. The biggest event it has been built up for was the Steirerfest 2010 at the Wiener Rathausplatz, where the visitors could fly from one end of the place to the other by using the Flying Fox.

Details and prices upon request.

Mobiler Parcour in Wien
Mobiler Hochseilklettergarten Wien
Hochseilklettergarten in den Hallen von Wien
Klettergarten auf dem Rathausplatz
Über Hängebrücken gehen mitten auf dem Rathausplatz in Wien
Mobiler Parcour mitten in Wien

Mobile Climbing garden

"Climbing garden located in the middle of Vienna"


The new SafetyLine Safetysystem

Raiffeisen Wien - Meine Stadtbank